Currently Not Collectible

If you can’t afford to pay anything, then Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status could be for you.

Key Benefits

1. Immediate Relief: CNC status is designed to provide immediate relief to taxpayers facing financial hardship. It temporarily halts IRS collection efforts, including wage garnishments, bank levies, and property seizures, for up to 1 to 2 years, giving you room to breathe and regain control of your finances.

2. Peace of Mind: CNC status provides peace of mind by stopping aggressive IRS collection actions. It offers a temporary reprieve, allowing you to regain control of your finances, get back on your feet, and ultimately work toward resolving your tax debt.

3. Customized Solutions: Our 2nd Chance Tax Solutions will work closely with you to assess your financial situation and determine if CNC status is the right solution for you. We tailor our approach to your unique circumstances, ensuring the best possible outcome.

4. Path to Resolution: While CNC status provides immediate relief, it's not a permanent solution. At 2nd Chance Tax Solutions, we help you develop a comprehensive plan to address your tax debt, guiding you toward a resolution that fits your financial goals.